How to install linux on mac
How to install linux on mac

how to install linux on mac

Click Environment Variables button, then double click Path system variable and add the above swig unzip folder path value at the variable value end, remember use to separate.Click Advanced System Settings in opened window left panel.Right-click Computer in the file explorer, then clicks Properties menu item in the popup menu list.Add above swig unzip directory path to system environment variable Path values.Unzip the zip file into a local folder such as C:\\swig-3.0.12.Go to swig-win download page to download the swig installer windows version.Make SWIG_PATH, PATH environment variable settings take effect.sudo vim /etc/profileĮxport SWIG_PATH=/home/Jerry/library/swigtool/bin Add SWIG_PATH environment variable, also add it in PATH environment variable.Specify swig install directory./configure -prefix=/home/Jerry/library/swigtool.Unzip the swig zip source code to a local directory.Go to the swig download page to download Linux version swig installation package.sudo apt-get install libpcre3 libpcre3-dev Install g++ if you do not install it already.Run swig -version in terminal to verify swig installation.

how to install linux on mac

Run the below command to install HomeBrew in MacOS.The macOS use HomeBrew to manage software installation, so you need to install HomeBrew first and then install swig.

How to install linux on mac